Senin, 14 Januari 2013

Sample English Speech Text


The Respectable and Honorable Mr ... as The Headmaster Of ... also Teachers, Staff, and Employers.
The Excellency The Jury in this Classmeeting.
The Respectable all my friends, I proud of you all.

Sholawat and Salam let’s we devote to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided us from The Time of Darkness into The Time Lightness and from The Stupidity Era to The Intelligence Era "Bi Qoulina Allahumma Sholli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammad" and hope we get his intercession on the Day of Resurrection.

            On the occasion of this bright morning I will deliver a speech titled "Globalization is Challenge for Teens". This is a very interesting topic for youth.

            On the occasion of this bright morning I will deliver a speech titled "Globalization is Challenge for Teens". This is a very interesting topic for youth.
Teenagers are human time early teens.
Globalization is a process in which between individuals, between groups, and between countries interacting each other, dependent, related, and affect one another across national boundaries.

            As Teenagers we need to keep abreast of the times, rather than dissolved in Globalization, we should be able to control it. Globalization is like lust that is in humans. What is Lust?
            In Malay, 'Lust' meaningful desire, inclination or a strong impulse.

            Following the passions will bring men to destruction. The passions can not be controlled also can damage one's own potential.
           Actually, every person is created with tremendous potential, but the passions can hinder the potential surface. The potential is referred to here is the potential to create justice, peace, security, prosperity, unity and other good stuff. 

          Globalization is actually very good and profitable for us. why?
With Globalization = Information, Communication, Cooperation among state, Business, Trade, Investment, Travel, Popular Culture, and other forms of interaction that other so that the boundaries of a country becomes increasingly narrow.
 There are also disadvantages =
            Scondly, Sample from Free Trade, Couse, so opened of free trade, so many parties who are not responsible for the smuggling of goods, such as = drugs, marijuana, and others.
            In conclusion, Globalization is very important, maybe even going to be a staple for us, because that was obtained many benefits from Globalization. It all depends on the awareness of teenagers. Whether they are capable of mastering Globalization or become Slaves.
            Let us take advantages of the best.

            Praise be to Allah SWT who give us Blessing and Merciess so that we can gather in this place with a healthy and nothing obstacles.
-What is Teenager?
And then,
-What is Globalization?
There is a group of people regard the passions as " The Devil that Resides in Man " whose  job is to carry the man to wickedness or denial.
            Firstly, Example from Internet , The circulation of these sites are not good for teenagers who can destroy the morality of this nation's cadres.
            With Globalization increasingly open to teens especially students, who usually on a limited teaching materials in their School. And now access variety of  information quickly and easily that is Internet. Another benefits obtained from the trade that is increasingly open area in the International Arena by selling their goods to another Country.

            Not a few who achieve success in this Globalization Era. It all depends on the use of human resources. All have been so many tools available for  human necessary and human live.
"Globalization A healthy raises a healthy mind too"

            Well, Gentlemen think i speak in front of you all is enough. I beg your pardon, if there are many faults when i deliver my English Speech is not as good as you hope before. Thanks for your attention. May Allah Bless you eternally. Amiien.

Source : 

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